
By , October 7, 2010 8:59 pm

Rural Sanitation Program

Opened Production cum Sales Unit and Low Cost Sanitary Mart at Khudimari Village with the financial assistance from UNICEF and PHED, Assam. Opened a Rural Sanitary Mart at Halakura under TSC program. Constructed 212 No Low Cost Sanitary Latrine under the scheme Central Rural Sanitary Program  (CRSP) with the financial support from CAPART, almost 2,157 no Individual House Hold Latrine (IHHL) under TSC and has completed 25 numbers of School Sanitation Program in Dhubri District.

GVC has undertaken the manufacturing of Ferro Cement barreled Iron Removal Water Filter for Pure & Safe Drinking Water as per model developed by UNICEF / PHED. The filter has been well adopted by utility customer and appreciated. 

Medical /Health

Organized free Health Check up camp, Immunization Program, Mother & Child Camp (MCH), Reproductive Child Helath (RCH).


Undertaken Socio Forestry Plantation, Horticulture, Herbal Plants, Fishery, Program on prevention of environmental Pollution,  use of smokeless Chula.
Sports & Relief
Organized Football Coaching Camp & Competition, Offered ORS packets among the flood victimized people during post flood in Dhubri district. Distributed nutrition Food, Cloths to the earthquake and cyclone sufferers in Assam, Gujrat and Orissa.  

Formation of Self Help Group
This till have formed 428 no of SHG with in lending Micro Finance and Income Generation Program with the locally available raw materials.
Cultural Program
Composite Cultural Troupe registered with Song & Drama Division  under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and attached with the  Regional Centre,Guwahati. This NGO also involve for presenting Radio & TV programs covering Assamese, Bengali, Hindi & Bodo languages.
Publication of Books
Published SHG Guidelines, Books on Traditional Goalparia Folk Song, Academic primer on Adult Education, Non Formal Education,  Community Based Convergence Services (CBCS) Literacy Books etc.
Training Program
Conducted Training on EDP on Food Processing, REDP on Jute Craft, Cane & Bamboo Craft, Agar batty Stick Making, TRYSEM on Cutting & Tailoring,Chalk Pencil Making etc.
Craft Activity
GVC has developed 3 (three) Nos. of Craft Cluster:
a) Jute Craft Cluster at Minority Covered Brahmaputra Char Areas under Birshing Jarua  Development block
b) Belguri Jute Craft Cluster under Agomoni Dev. Block of Dhubri Dist.  
c) Cane & Bamboo Cfaft Cluster at Golakganj and Rupshi Dev. Block where nearly 2,000 rural artisans are working for their livelihood.
Received State Level Award as State Level Best NGO from Nehru Yuva Sangathan, Regional Centre, Guwahati  for the year 1992-93.